Saturday, March 10, 2012

a short post

March, sometime after my birthday, and before Rabaul.

The photo on my facebook page is characteristic of life with the Triplets, who incidentally are not related by blood but probably were in a previous life on another planet.

Lilly, Maree, Tita, were you here this afternoon, I would dedicate GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN to you.

Otherwise, I came to the computer room from the ballroom dancing class (slow foxtrot, very difficult)without my notes so I will just mention that we are back in the tropics. A sure sign? My hair when I go about 5 paces on deck. Although the humidity is high, it is not yet as bad as on Bali.

What's going through my mind - wasn't there just another attempted coup on New Guinea? That's where Rabaul is - where we are going. Between coups and an apparently active volcano, this could be an interesting stop.

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