Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dixie Land, Stars, Omar Khayyam (d. 1153)

The musicians who had the jazz jam gave a dixieland concert last week. The Winter Garden on deck 7 thundered from the foot, hand and finger tapping. Musicians from 7 countries (only 1 American) gave a performance worthy of N'Orleans. Thanks (again) Guys.

There is a problem with time in Australia. Adelaide is 30 minutes in front of or behind the 2 coasts. Weird. Last night, after the Beatles concert, I HAD to wash my hair and then set it and because I had been in the disco where smoking is allowed, I had to wash my clothes (by hand in the bathroom basin). By that time, it was 3 am (have I mentioned sleep deprivation enough?) and I opened the door to the balcony, just to get some air.

The sky was clear, the Southern Cross was high and the Milky Way was brilliant. I remembered a quatrain from the Rubaiyat:

"Deeply as I lament, the wearing on of such a night,
Still more I grieve, some men should sleep away, this glorious sight."

And before I got too serious, I remembered BULLWINKLE AND FRIENDS, including Rocket J Squirrel and the

Ruby Yacht of Omar Khayyam. I went to sleep laughing.

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