Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ben and Doowop

Before I go much further, I have to thank Ben at the ariel bookshop on George Street in Sydney. A book in the window caught my eye so I went inside and heard doowop. Please look it up if the term means nothing to you but it is the music of my youth, which was forbidden in my house. My parents thought it was rubbish and would rot my brain. It wasn't and it didn't and I love it (along with many other forms of music) still. I heard Jackie Wilson and asked about it. Well, Ben is as much or more (is that possible?) of a doowop fan than I - especially Sam Cooke. We spent about 30 minutes talking music and he never neglected a customer nor wrapped a gift book incorrectly.

Ben, if you read this, and I hope you do, thanks for sharing part of your life with me and thank you for the music. I will let you know what my son thinks of the book I bought for his birthday. Hope you looked up some of the groups I listed and if I forgot to mention them, check out the Jive Five.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judith, it's Ben from Ariel. Sorry it took me so long to comment. Are you back home (in Germany, I think)? Or still on the never-ending cruise?

    I felt inspired to write to you today while listening to Clyde McPhatter - he is just brilliant. I can't stop singing along. BUT I don't think I'm really a bigger doo-wop fan than you - and Sam Cooke isn't doo-wop, he's the birth of soul!

    I realised I do know the Jive Five - 'My True Story' is another all-time favourite. And I listened to your other suggestions - I love them all.

    I'm thinking of starting a 1950s cover-group with 2 of my 50s-obsessed friends: one of us loves Elvis and rockabilly, one loves Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochran & Ricky Nelson, and I love Fats Domino, doo-wop, blues and old soul - so we might just have it covered. Gotta move down to Melbourne with the other guys to get it happening though.

    Anyway it was great to meet you and I still can't believe you met Jackie Wilson - boy could that guy sing!
