Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Me - short autobiography: 6 words

After posting the photos of the service for my father, I remembered the homily delivered by "Gino", the chaplain. He spoke about inheritance in terms other than of money or possessions.

So, now when I think of inheritance,genes come to mind.

From my mother: one half of my brain, tenacity, to-the-death fighting (since mellowed, I hope), my memory and love of school

from my father: the other half of my brain, interest and ability in business, my color, the shape of my eyes, 2 dimples on the left side of my face

From Granddaddy: my wacky sense of humor and quick wit, personality, manual dexterity, love of family, love of opera

from MaMa: imperiousness, sense of fairness, part of my complexion, love of reading, kindness to those weaker than I, love of all things French, shape of my hands

from Grandma: love of cooking, love of reading, appreciation of my father's achievements

from C.F.: love of music of all kinds and ability to remember lyrics, desire to own a hotel/restaurant, the rest of my complexion

All coalesced to make me,
But, my hair is still a mystery

My autobiography in 6 words:

"Much expected of me, often achieved."

You might want to write your own - it's fun and interesting.

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