Monday, April 23, 2012

15 Minutes of Fame

When I got back to my stateroom on the 17th, there was an invitation to be a guest on the QM2 morning tv show. Certain that there must be some mistake, I called the Entertainment office. No, they really meant me. The "studio" is a general-purpose room on deck 1. The Entertainment Director is charming and I was immediately at ease. He, and judging from the response, some of the passengers found it interesting that what started as a 7-day journey had morphed into 5 months. We had about a 10 minute talk and at the end of it, he invited other passengers to stop me and say "Hello". The program is broadcast at 6 am so I thought that viewing would be limited. What I didn't know was that it was on a loop until noon. Since then, I have been whispered about and pointed to and about 20 people have spoken to me about it. Some seem genuinely surprised that I still enjoy it - every minute of every day, still! Forgive me if I have already told you about the following: there should be an interview of me on BS6 (no jokes, please!), a Japanese satellite tv station which will be broadcast over the internet at 9 pm Japanese time on the 25th. If anyone sees it, please let me know. I just discovered that there are comments from readers of this blog. Yes, phrasemonger, David Frost was asked about the Nixon interview and had some very insightful comments, including Nixon asking him (Frost) if he (Frost)had "fornicated" over the previous weekend. Poor man.

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