Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Ushuaia February 02, 2014


The Selk’nam Indians, also called the Ona, first arrived in Tierra del Fuego about 10,000 years ago. The southern group of the Selk’nam, the Yaghan (also known as Yámana), occupied what is now Ushuaia, living in continual conflict with the northern inhabitants of the island.[4]

the AIDA was there before us


Whenever the Argentine government is in trouble domestically, they revert to war-mongering about the Falklands / Malvinas

I used to say that it was silly to get off a ship in order to get onto a boat, but this tour convinced me otherwise.

A colony of sea lions

Snow in the middle of summer

The alpha male, much bigger than his harem members

Sailing back to Ushuaia

Lots of vegetation

Fascinating rock formations


The long and winding road...

Back to our "time share"

Apartments overlooking the harbor

A "tribute" to the original inhabitants

View from the stateroom balcony

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