Tuesday, June 3, 2014

BUENOS AIRES, January 28, 2014 - rain, rain go away!

What we saw of Buenos Aires was rain.  We had booked a tour for the afternoon but the morning was engulfed in monsoon rain.  It abated for a few moments as we boarded the bus, then began again.  So, the photos show exactly what we saw except for a wonderful tango show - there, we were not allowed to photograph the show.  The show, complete with an enormous lunch, was wonderful.

The Divine Dragana, our luncheon companion

Inside LA VENTANA, the restaurant and theater

Lovely greenery

Could be prophetic

The rain stopped on the way back to the ship

This clock used to be called "Little Ben" but the last government, run by the husband of the present president, renamed it the Clock of the Malvinas - Argentinian for the Falklands

Skyline of Buenos Aires

Coming to pick up the pilot

Pilot hopping from QUEEN VICTORIA

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