Wednesday, January whatever, 2012
The days do run together, punctuated by cocktail parties - all the bartenders know to make me a rumless/mint-less drink with ginger ale, lime and brown sugar which looks like something snazzy and tastes like limeade - balls, dances, dance classes and very occasionally sleep.
About an hour ago, I jumped across the Equator and am no longer a Pollywog, but am now officially a Shellback. It's hot, slightly humid but a wonderful day for the horrible ceremony which 25 Pollywogs volunteered for - to be smeared with food (pasta and sauces of various colors), to have to kiss an enormous real but very dead fish and then jump into the pool. I did not volunteer! King Neptune, his queen and the royal court conducted the ceremonies with funny rhymes and music from the band.
Of coures, I am anxious to see (and get to know) the southern stars. One of the passengers told me that when the weather / night is clear, all the lights on the aft (for the non-nautical, the back end of the ship)deck will be turned off and one of the officers will point out the stars and nebulae.
Tonight is Neptune's Ball and I am trying to think of something nautical I can make out of whatever is in my cabin. My dress for tonight has lots of glitter - the real stuff - and tends to leave a trail wherever I go. Before the ball, there is a cocktail party for the round-the-world passengers. There are 283 of us, all geriatric, I think. The welcome party featured lots of canes and walkers. That's one reason I am doing this trip now.
Also, there are still reminders of the accident in December including headaches and a terrific scar on my left knee as well as scars on my face where my eyeglasses dug into my cheeks, and each day I express my gratitude that nothing serious happened. The most "serious" consequence is that I am sailing around the world!
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