We have had no international television since before Aruba and very spotty internet service. I got up at 6 am to try to post these photos.
February 1st, 2019
till no tv but internet connections are back so I will try to post some photos. And, if anyone reading this can tell me how to batch photos for publication, please do.
This was the country flag flown during most of our stay in Aruba. Unfortunately, it is the flag of Antigua and Barbuda. I noticed it and told the one purser who gives a damn, she immediately pulled up pictures of both flags on her screen and sent a message up to the deck. It was changed. And, that's symptomatic of what I dislike about the VICTORIA now. Too many of the staff (not the hard-working crew members) do the minimum that their job requires and sometimes not even that.
This "warning" makes me wonder why we sail to dangerous places, but then what place is not dangerous because of something - two, four or six legs?
So in Cartagena, we had not planned a trip and were very happy because there is a small, beautifully run bird sanctuary near the terminal building. There are more photos to be posted at a later date.
This parrot talked in what sounded like singing Spanish "Hola, hola, hola - whistle, whistle....
Feeding or grooming???
The first time I have ever seen a peacock in a tree - this was taken with the zoom -
the bird was at least 3 meters high.
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