Monday, February 25, 2019

Good friends.....

One of the drawbacks of a World Voyage is that some friends only travel for segments.

In San Francisco we said "Goodbye" to Paula and Derek, two funny, amazingly talented people (art and horticulture) who giggled through pub quizzes with us.  One night, there was an Australian quiz and we were so sure that we did not know anything about Australia that we did not fill in the official quiz sheet.  Had we done so, we would have won!!!!  Amazingly, we knew more than any other team in the pub.  Fat lot of good it did us!

In San Francisco, I bought 3 succulents and named them Paula, Paula, Jr and Derek.  I will post photos soon.

Tonight, we will say "Goodbye" to Lynn and Dave - quizzers with a purpose.  Thanks to them we have prize stamps and will be able to get some Cunard souvenirs at the end of the voyage.  But, once they leave, I will find other intellectual pursuits including Spanish lessons twice a day, that is until the Spanish teacher leaves.

And today, I sid "Goodbye" to Antonio, my "wish" grandson, a remarkable young man - intelligent, funny, thoughtful and very musical.  Good luck and Godspeed.  See you in Malaga!

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