Tuesday, January 22, 2019

FLORIDA and U.S. Immigration

The United States requires all passengers and crew to leave the ship at the first port of entry.  There is face-to-face immigration but no one is allowed back on the vessel until everyone has been checked.  That meant I had to leave at 07:30 and was not allowed back until after 2 pm.

I had several good books with me and would have enjoyed the time had the temperature in the terminal been above "frigid".  It was barely warm in Canaveral but it was unpleasantly cold in the terminal.

I did, however, learn a lot about the Roman Republic and its demise.  Lessons for our time.

The pilot coming aboard about 5 am

Canaveral sunrise

Moon over the Atlantic - 21 January 2019 - I missed the eclipse the night before.

Passing Cuba today so I got a phone signal - thanks, Raul.

Sunrise today, January 23rd, on the way to Aruba

Morning of 22 January, 2019 , ca. 05:20 -  Venus, Jupiter and Mercury

What Venus looked like with 120 zoom

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019

We are rocking and rolling with 5 meter waves at the moment.  The dining room began to clear quickly this evening.  Once we are in the passage between Cuba and Hispaniola, the weather will calm down - the Captain promised!

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