Saturday, January 12, 2019

At sea

January 11th, 2019

We have now gained 2 hours and some people forgot to set their clocks back.   
They show up too early for lectures or classes and the buffet is full at 8 because people think it is 9

Tonight is the first of MANY cocktail parties.  I like to get a “mocktail” with lots of fruit and ginger ale.  Once a paper umbrella is added, it looks real.

So, this morning I have done a quiz (got one point less than the winner - whose last words (1999) were supposedly “ I will finally see Marilyn”.  Joltin Joe.  I thought Arthur Miller but could not remember when he died.

Later there was a very thought-provoking lecture about America’s place in the world, especially from the end of WWII to the present.

Dinner, no dancing tonight as I have to post this plus photos.

Photos did not load.  Will try early in the am.

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