Monday, April 4, 2016


March 13, 2016

Our first look at Shanghai - smog!

We had booked a tour to visit the Temple of the Jade Buddha, The Emperors's Forbidden City (modeled on the Forbidden City in Beijing) and a Silk Museum and Warehouse

On the way

Capitalism everywhere

Lots of very large apartment complexes, for the 24+ million who live in Shanghai

The temple, in the middle of the city

A marvel - couching with gold thread - and it was verywhere.

This is not the Jade Buddha - we were not permitted to photograph it.  This is the reclining Budhha, just as beautiful, if much smaller.

This is experimental because the pupils are taught in English.

Cherry blossoms but not as important as in Japan.

The entrance to the Forbidden City

Why do we export the worst?

 Linda, our tour guide, with a battery-operated microphone.  She needed it.  I was changing cameras.

A bit of tranquility

 Some of the 24 million who also wanted to visit the City.

There should always be 2 lions guarding the gate:  the female lion has her paw on a baby and the male lion has his paw on a ball, symbolizing power.

The Dragon Wall


Elephant and friend

The stone was in the direct line of sight from the Emperor's study. for meditation.

The Silk Museum


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