Wednesday, February 13, 2013


In all the months I have been on this ship, I have seen 4, perhaps 5 shows.  One of them was completely against my will to see a magician/ comedian who was neither amusing nor interesting.  However, I have seen 3 musical acts which were excellent – the best by far is Elio Pace.

He sang, played the piano, including Billy Joel’s ROOTBEER RAG, a very fast and extremely difficult piece, explained the songs he sang starting with Clyde McPhatter’s FOOLS FALL IN LOVE.  Elio is the consummate entertainer who carried us along for 45+ minutes on a wave of positive energy culminating in a spontaneous standing ovation at the end of each of his performances.

If you know the Terry Wogan show (unfortunately I do not), you will know Elio – he was music director, band leader, singer, pianist, arranger and, and and.

He would be perfect on a permanent or semi-permanent basis (the trans-Atlantic voyages, perhaps ??).  Are you listening, Entertainment Department??


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