Saturday, May 12, 2012

IBM - 2

It's amazing how many responses I got to the previous post.  It was apparently (1) more interesting and (2) a lot funnier than I thought.  Everything I have written as a "fact" is true:  the waters are different colors, there were drunken people on the street at 10 am, I did get a sunburn on Bali. The man in question really is tall, good-looking, charming, funny and unavailable so if you care to help, forget the advice and find someone for me who is the first 4 and available.

And, just in case you are wondering how I am going to get all of this stuff off the ship - borrowed suitcases!  Back to packing, party in the ballroom tonight and noon arrival at the berth in Hamburg tomorrow.  The sail away is apparently scheduled for 11 pm, complete with fireworks - just what we had when we left Southampton in January to start sailing around the world.

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