Sunday, April 13, 2014

After Aruba

It has been exceedingly difficult to post photos and it seemed a shame just to do text but that is what will have to happen until we get back to a land-based system.

Yesterday was Oranjestad, Aruba - wonderful weather, after rocking and rolling again to get there, really friendly people and a beach.

Normally, I am not a beach person, not being a swimmer of note.  But, it has been important to dip into whatever body of water is near the port.  Costa Rica - the Pacific side - was amazing - warm as a bath tub with some waves but not much force in them, and sand so hot it was not possible to walk on it without shoes.

Aruba yesterday - Divi Divi beach in the Caribbean - was very different.  The water was much cooler and the waves were strong and frequent.  Each beach was wonderful and I have the sunburn to prove it.

Tomorrow is Grand Cayman - one passenger said he was going to visit his money!  We do not need any more fridge magnets or t-shirts so unless the banks are giving samples, we will head for the beach again.

Right now I am in the computer room and will ask if I can bring a USB stick with photos and load them from here.  You will know the answer to that soon enough.

And, the transit of the Panama Canal was superb - it took all day, used 56 million gallons of fresh water just for QUEEN VICTORIA but is still an engineering marvel.

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