Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Horror of Horrors!

Thanks Jan, for the nudge.  I have lots of notes and just have not taken the time to post them.

Wednesday, date ??

Horror of horrors – the Commodore announced that (1) we might not be able to enter the harbor at Pireaus because of the gales we are currently sailing through, and, (2) because we normally load fresh water there, we should be extra careful with the use of water.

Did I ever mention the launderettes aboard?  On several floors, there are washers and dryers, usually 4 of each as well as 2 irons and ironing boards.  I think that would be cause for rejoicing, unless you have a stateroom near said launderette.  They will be closed during the passage of the Suez Canal – let the bitching begin!!!













































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