Sunday, March 31, 2019


Darwin (pop. 105991) is the capital and administrative center of Australia's Northern Territory. The city lies on Australia's northern coast on the Beagle Gulf, an arm of the Timor Sea. Darwin's nearness to Asia makes it an important link between that continent and Australia. Many immigrants from Asian countries have settled in the city. Darwin is an important terminal of air, road, and sea transportation, and of telecommunications. The Australian armed forces operate several bases in Darwin, including the Royal Australian Air Force Base Darwin and the Darwin Naval Base. The army operates Larrakeyah Barracks in Darwin and Robertson Barracks a short distance outside the city.

Cane toad is one of the largest toads. Cane toads measure about 9 inches (23 centimeters) long. They are found chiefly in tropical America. The cane toad is also called marine toad and giant toad. 
The cane toad feeds mainly on insects but will eat almost any kind of small animal, including frogs, lizards, snakes, mice, and birds. The toad reproduces by laying eggs and can produce up to 20,000 eggs at one time. A pair of large parotoid glands on top of the toad's head secrete poisonous substances. These substances taste bad and can sicken or even kill animals that feed on the cane toad. 

The cane toad has become a serious pest in Australia. The toads were brought there in 1935 to help control beetles that attack sugar cane. Since then, the cane toad population in Australia has increased dramatically. Conservationists are concerned that many animals native to Australia may become extinct as cane toads compete with them for food, feed on them directly, and poison the predators.

The only kangaroos we ever saw

It was really, really hot!

The Northern Territory flag

The aborigine flag

An easy-to-find mailbox

Monday, March 25, 2019

The War Canoe Race - an amazing (and tiring) adventure

Our "war" canoes

The river is deep

The Waitangi River

Our fearless leader

Our fearless leader fell in the river

Our competition - they won the race!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Bay of Islands, New Zealand - part 1

My favourite stop!

And paddle we did - I for the 3rd time!

The Chief himself

Our welcome

Mor in the next installment.

Auckland, New Zealand

It seems that most large cities look alike:  similar skyscrapers, same chain shops and lots of "urban renewal".  Auckland is not exception.

A beautiful statue in the midst of a construction site

This woman paraded up and down the main street, waving this enormous flag. She had very, very
high heels.  But, I got a "high-five" and probably a listing on the secret service rolls of Iran, Syria,
Turkey and anywhere else Kurds live because I recognized it as the "Kurdistan" flag - illegal in all
of the above countries.

He accompanied her and photographed me so I returned the compliment.

A tree and its roots - about the only thing except for luxury stores left to photograph on the main street.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Tauranga - a favourite stop

On the way to the beach and National Park

My favourite photo:  man and tree

Notice the "evacuation route" sign

To use when the neighbourhood cats stalk birds in my garden

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Taurange, Nw Zealand - part 1

The Bay of Plenty

Photo taken from our balcony

We frightened a large flock of sea birds.

We received warnings from the captain/first officer about not taking any food off the ship.  There was a $400 fine!!

The little engine that could

Most of the time, she sat under a sign advertising private tours - her hat is the same colour as the sign.